
Loft Clearance Norfolk

Loft Clearance Norfolk

As the summer dawns upon us our technicians are completing the last of their loft clearances until the beginning of October. This has been a testing year for everyone but it has given people a chance to wipe the slate clean and get some household jobs done. We have had countless amounts of people wanting their loft cleared and sanitised. Whether they have had birds, rats, mice or squirrels in them and wish for the contaminated insulation and droppings to be cleared away and then new insulation installed Millennium Pest Control has been there.

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Here are some pictures of a clearance/ clean of a loft we recently completed in Norfolk.

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The technicians have sanitised the loft space thoroughly so that no potentially harmful pathogens are left behind. This makes the loft area safe for you to access and store items. It will also allow other tradesmen to access to carry out maintenance works safely.

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They then installed brand new loft insulation.

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Due to the temparatures the summer will bring and the dangers this can present our technicians and customers we will stop this type of work now until the end of September / the beginning of October. So once Autumn arrives you may wish for something like this to be completed in your own property whether you live in Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, Kings Lynn or Essex, please do not hesitate contacting us now.