Flea Facts :
Millennium Pest Control Ltd are conducting flea treatments now in the Ipswich, Norwich, Kings Lynn, Cambridge, North Norfolk, and South Norfolk areas now. Fleas can be very common at this time of year as we travel a lot with holidays and you can pick them up from second items/ furniture too. Pets will be a massive contributing factor towards any flea infestations that you may get.
Here are some flea facts:
- Fleas are often around 2mm in size and are a red-ish brown in colour;
- Female fleas can lay up to 1000 eggs and also can live up to 2 years;
- Fleas are attracted to vibration and carbon dioxide;
- Fleas can lay dormant for long periods without feeding;
- They will often prefer warm, dry and dark spaces.
Millennium Pest Control Ltd flea treatments involve an insecticide spray throughout the property concentrating on the carpet surface area and the cracks and crevices.
If you live in the Ipswich, Norwich, Kings Lynn, Cambridge, North Norfolk, and South Norfolk area and require a flea treatment. Please call Millennium Pest Control Ltd on 01379 890777 now!