Many people think that you only get Bedbugs in dirty conditions and mainly think of hotels or staying away when getting them. The truth is Bedbugs can live anywhere and have become incredibly common in the UK. Bedbugs can live up to a year dormant without feeding and they are drawn to human heat, Carbon Dioxide (from human breathe), and vibration. You will often find them dwelling in the cracks and crevices of rooms but they are also at home in places such as; furniture, mattresses, suitcases, bags, and clothing. IT IS IMPORTANT that if you notice that you have a bedbug infestation that you seek a professional treatment. It will be nearly impossible to do this on your own. Millennium Pest Control Ltd Offer Bedbug Treatments for properties in the; Ipswich, Norwich, North Norfolk, Kings Lynn, Cambridge, Breckland, Woodbridge and Colchester areas.
The typical signs of a Bedbug infestation are: finding small brown specs on bed and in mattresses (Bedbug faeces); blood spots on the bed where you may have laid on one, bedbug bites on areas of yourself that are exposed while you sleep (i.e., hands, arms, neck etc). These bites are usually found in clusters and it is important that you have them checked out by a GP.
Before any Bedbug treatment with Millennium Pest Control Ltd you must prepare that house in advance and all carpet surface areas must be clear along with all wall to floor junctions. This allows our skilled technicians to treat these immediate areas. Other instructions would be given upon the booking of a Bedbug treatment. Hoovering regularly and washing on 60 plus degrees will also really help you in eradicating the problem moving forward. We use insecticide sprays to treat a Bedbug infestation and this can take a minimum of 2-3 bedbug treatments over the course of 8-12 weeks to get on top of.
If you believe you may have a Bedbug infestation in the; Ipswich, Norwich, North Norfolk, Kings Lynn, Cambridge, Breckland, Woodbridge and Colchester areas please do not hesitate contacting us at Millennium Pest Control Ltd now so that we can consult further and get a Bedbug treatment sorted for you.