Carpet Moth can affect anyone in any home and Millennium Pest Control Ltd offer Carpet Moth Treatments in the Ipswich, Norwich, Cambridge, Bury St Edmunds and the Kings Lynn area.
How do you get them?
You can bring them in by getting microscopic eggs caught up on your shoes or clothing;
they can infest a home via purchase second hand furniture, carpets, rugs, or curtains.
The moths themselves are small and malted brown in colour and their hindwings are fringed which distinguish them from regular moths. They will often reside in cool and darker parts of a property i.e. under beds, tables, in wardrobes etc.
The female moths can lay between 30-300 eggs per sitting so an infestation can get out of control fairly quickly with the right conditions for them to thrive. A typical room or house temperature of 24-26 degrees is ideal for carpet moths and they will thrive in these conditions.
You will often spot that you have a problem by seeing bald patches on carpets and curtains this is caused by the larvae (the next stage from the eggs).
If you notice this it is important to get a professional treatment done otherwise they can cause a lot of damage and financial turmoil. Millennium Pest Control Ltd offer Carpet Moth Treatments in the Ipswich, Norwich, Cambridge, Bury St Edmunds and the Kings Lynn areas. Contact us now if you have an issue with Carpet Moth on 01379 890777.